Create an easy-to-read FAQ or policy section. FAQ adds an accordion tab that expands when users click on it.


An example of the FAQ paragraph

Where it Can Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Sidebar Area

How it Works

  • Select FAQ from the paragraph dropdown

    The FAQ in the Paragraphs dropdown

  • Add a title or a Question into the Question field. This will show as the title of your section.

  • Use the text editor to provide an answer/expanded section of content once the user clicks on your section.

    FAQ paragraph fields

    Learn how to use the text editor ⇒

Add Another Section

To add another Question and Answer, click the Add another item button at the bottom of your paragraph.

The “add another” button

Content Types that Support this Paragraph

Last modified August 31, 2023: DS-28 docs: Lint paragraphs (d93895a0)