Activity Finder

Embed the Activity Finder program search experience on your website, which helps users pre-filter the activities they want to search for.

Areas It Should Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Bottom Area

How it Works

This paragraph type requires an integration into a CRM. Out-of-the-box, YMCA Website Services’s Activity Finder integrates with Daxko, ActiveNet, and Personify. Any other CRM will require custom developer work.

How you use these paragraphs will depend on how your Association has structured its program data on the CRM and on how you decide to get people to program results.

There are three primary approaches to setting this up: a standard approach, a results-only approach, and a targeted approach.

Standard Approach

  • Create two Landing Pages. Title one “Find a Program” and the other “Program Search.”
  • On the “Find a Program” page, add the “Activity Finder” paragraph. Type in “Program Search” and select your Program Search in the “Activity Finder Search Results Page Reference” field.
  • At the bottom, you will see a field called “Title” Change the title to “Find a Program” Save the page.
  • Next, on the “Program Search” page, add the “Activity Finder Search Results” paragraph into the Content Area. Type in “Find a Program” on the “Activity Finder Page Reference” page.

Results-Only Approach

If you plan on using deep-linking or want to forgo the guided search experience, you can use the “Activity Finder Search Results.” Create a Landing Page called “Program Search” using the One Column (Full Width) layout.

  • Add the “Activity Finder Search Results” paragraph into your content area and leave the “Activity Finder Page Reference” field blank. Save your page.

Targeted Approach

Activity Finder can also be used on multiple pages on your site, specifically on your Program Subcategory pages.