Event Views & Filters
Components to feature, filter, and list events using Layout Builder.
Designs: Mobile & Desktop
The distribution provides a few blocks to highlight events.
- Featured Events
- Events Filter
- Events Listing
To use the blocks:
- Click the Layout tab at the top of your page
- Scroll to the location on the page where you want to add a block
- Click Add block
- In the sidebar, click Create custom block
- Choose each block to add.
Featured Events
Displays one or more events in a large feature on the page.
- Title (required): Displayed if Display title is checked, otherwise this is for administrative use.
- Manual selection items: Select one or more events to be featured on the page. Generally it’s best to just feature a single event.
Events filter
Allows users to filter the Events Listing by location, category, or text search.
- Title (required): Displayed if Display title is checked, otherwise this is for administrative use.
This block has no other options.
Events listing
Displays events in a teaser view, filtered by the Events filter block, showing 6 at a time with a “Show more” button
- Title (required): Displayed if Display title is checked, otherwise this is for administrative use.
When you are finished adding blocks, Save and publish your changes.
Last modified June 15, 2023: DS-783 docs: Add new LB video links (f1e2cdb1)