Getting Started with YMCA Website Services Development
Whether you are just getting started with YMCA Website Services or need to test a feature in a stable environment, the YMCA Website Services Core Team maintains a number of
Sandboxes that you can use.
In order to get a copy of the latest development version of the distribution, please follow steps from
Pay attention Open Y has a modular structure, so if you plan changes to specific component - create Pull Request/Merge Request in respective project or repository, based on component’s composer.json data.
In order to test specific component, create a PR to
yusaopeny and add a reference in composer.json of Open Y in order for the build system to start using updated component.
QA sandboxes for Open Y
The YMCA Website Services core team manages
sandboxes for various configurations of the distribution to facilitate evaluation, to help with QA, and enable investigation of issues.
YMCA Website Services is a big distribution with a large amount of modules, components, subsystems, and business
processes, therefore we have to take appropriate steps to ensure the stability of major functionality during development.
For the automated tests we have created
General Checks template
on GitHub every developer should follow to get review approval from YMCA Website Services core team.
However, General Checks are for testing functionality for the current proposed change only, not for Regression Testing.
For regression testing,
Behat tests in this flow are provided automatically on each build by YMCA Website Services community.
Every pull request should include a testing plan prior to release into YMCA Website Services. This plan should cover the testing of all workflows and functionality to ensure that they continue to work with any new code or change implemented. This is because it is possible for conflicts to occur between elements of YMCA Website Services, Drupal Modules, and Drupal Core. These pull request testing plans will increase productivity and decrease effort for manual Acceptance Testing of upcoming Releases. This testing plan should cover specific features and functionality that is likely to cause regression issues post-release or post-upgrade to the latest version of YMCA Website Services once this new code is implemented.
Example of testing plan: If the Drupal core is updated it is important to gather all Drupal core Release Notes since last release
core upgrade for YMCA Website Services and analyze important issues fixed.
Example - in case if you are doing upgrade from latest 8.4.0 to 8.4.4:
This means the list of systems should be tested are
postgreSQL support
This list could be extended by analyzing some highly important parts of YMCA Website Services distributions that depends from the above
subsystems. It is not required to spend time on every module that has a dependency taxonomy, but it is important to test at least one impacted module to ensure it is still working post-implementation. In case if there is a Behat test already created for the subsystem in a list then a manual test could be skipped as long as the build is not failing due to the module or element covered in the associated Behat test.
How to choose which modules to test: These can be a random selection from the list of systems impacted, or one of the oldest modules in a system impacted. This is because there is a higher chance that a minor change could cause a regression issue for the modules that have not received recent or regular updates.
The oldest modules(contrib modules) that have dependencies from the above list should also be updated, but
to improve productivity, these updates should only be initiated if there is a security issue or a module stopped working because of
the subsystems getting updated within an upcoming release. In case if a respective module update creates more issues
that the older version of said module - then it is better to keep the old module and fix an associated regression bug.
Tip: usually a new version of the module already contains a bug fix, so adding a patch from the to composer.json of the YMCA Website Services distribution is preferred to get distribution
released. Keep in mind, you will need to create a follow-up task for the module to be updated after release.
After creating list of modules that could introduce regression issues it is highly recommended to follow
Quick-start section of the module’s readme files, that usually is shipped with modules.
Example for the location_finder.
In case if a module has no Quick-start or Acceptance testing section in readme - it is important to test at least one place
where functionality of the module should be working. It is highly recommended to add this manual test steps as
a follow-up task,
new issue or even better - create Pull Request
with changes to readme into YMCA Website Services repository. For the sake of performance, adding step by step how-to to the respective
module’s file is highly recommended. It takes only a few minutes to write a couple of lines of documentation which will greatly help others with future contributions and changes.
Optional, but greatly appreciated: Add a Drupal tour for the how-to, created in README will benefit future YMCA Website Services users and developers.
Having a tour for the business functionality is highly recommended to ship with the component - it creates an in-site visual guided documentation and helps to decrease time for the Acceptance testing.
And last, but not the lease - adding Behat tests to the system will ensure functionality is tested on every pull
request, on every CI build in the future.
Every release of YMCA Website Services since 8.1.9 should include list of subsystems, changed in release for the community to be aware of the possible regressions on their end.
4 - anti spam protection
In order to protect YMCA Website Services customers, we have added anti-spam protection based on CAPTCHA and Google reCAPTCHA out of the box in YMCA Website Services core
In the majority of cases having the above configuration in place will protect you from 99% of spam, unless there is human-entered spam that has no protection. To overcome some human-based spam you should use blacklist logic for blocking email domains, used in spam messages.
For that, you can use
the Protected Submissions module module, which allows you to harden all submissions on a site with a list of stop words as well as per-language settings.
Virtual Y use case
In order to overcome caching issues, Virtual Y uses the
simple_recaptcha module which could be used in similar cases.
The CAPTCHA + reCAPTCHA module solution has presented some reliability issues. The most recent
discussion and fix from has also not reliably resolved issues for some clients.
At some point, the “Simple reCaptcha” module was used on a project and had no issues, so we’ve started to replace the “CAPTCHA” + “reCAPTCHA” modules with “Simple reCAPTCHA”.
5 - Code of Conduct and Best Practices
The YMCA Website Services community aims to build from the methods and best practices of other open-source projects, such as the
Drupal community and the
Drupal Ukrainian community.
This document serves as an addition to our
Code of Conduct and Best Practices. It is more technical and in-depth for specific cases that were discussed during code quality review processes the YMCA Website Services team has in place. During this process, all code should be reviewed by 1-2 developers before being merged into the YMCA Website Services codebase.
General Rules
Components in YMCA Website Services (whether modules, themes, or other code structures) should be, as much as possible, reusable and atomic. All features, content types, settings, styles, etc. should be bundled together to create a cohesive component.
Module naming conventions - Depending on the context we should choose the name from this list:
${project_name|abbr}_${business_name|abbr} - when the code looks like legacy and has specifics that are not ready to be open-sourced
openy_${business_name|abbr} - when the code is ready to be ejected to OpenY package
${business_name} - when the code is so abstract that it has no connection to OpenY and is ready to be hosted on as an independent project.
Code Sharing
To support reuse by the community, the MODULE-NAME should relate to the business logic of the module. It is not good to create modules by abstracting them out of the business. All modules that have been shared to from past projects were possible to share only because they represent some feature, tied to a business need. For example:
personify - module for SOAP related methods for working with Personify API
acrypt - Asymmetric crypt algorithm
and so on.
Return early pattern
To keep readability in functions and methods, it is wise to return early if simple conditions apply that can be checked at the beginning of a method:
<?phpfunctionfoo($bar,$baz){if($foo){// logic goes here
It’s better to return early, keeping indentation and brainpower needed to follow the code low.
<?phpfunctionfoo($bar,$baz){if(!$foo){returnnull;}// logic goes here
Define early pattern
When you have a condition that aims to change the value of a variable without additional logic, get rid of if else elseif code and instead define your variable early and change it via conditions.
if($a='hello'){$text='Welcome to site';}else{$text='Register please';}
$text='Register please';if($a='hello'){$text='Welcome to site';}
Null Checks with isset
isset() verifies if set and not null. There is no need to do additional verification against NULL.
...if($type=='program'){if($feed['profile_media_videos']!=NULL||$feed['profile_media_images']!=NULL){\Drupal::logger('form_import')->notice("FORM IMPORT: type is $type");...
Maintaining an Upgrade Path
All changes in configurations should be added to appropriate hook_update_N to update already existing environments. We suggest using the
Config Importer and Tools package for working with hook_update_N.
Install files
openy.install in profile
In this file, we should put updates that are related to the distribution in general and don’t fit into any feature.
Enable/Disable module
General configs
openy_*.install in modules
If you update some configuration for a specific feature, make sure that you put updates into this file in the appropriate module.
Config Management
Revert only specific property from config
This is the preferred method of updating configs as it will result in fewer conflicts for upgrading customized YMCA Website Services instances.
Please always make sure composer.lock file is updated after any changes in composer.json file.
You can use composer update command to update any package, in this case composer will take care about updating of composer.lock file.
composer update drupal/metatag
Also you can use composer update --lock command to force updating of composer.lock file according to dependencies in composer.json.
8 - Composer version constraints for YMCA Website Services
In 2020, due to changes in Drupal core release management and demand from YMCA Website Services customers to improve upgrade path flexibility and stability, the YMCA Website Services team added extended composer version constraints to our composer.json.
"drupal/ckeditor_bootstrap_buttons": "^1.2 || ^2.0.0", - this line means previous version was 1.2 or any 1.x starting from 1.2, and latest tested - 2.0.0 with allowed any stable 2.x starting from 2.0.0
"drupal/custom_formatters": "^3.0 || ^3.0@beta", - tested with 3.0 beta of custom_formatters and allowed any 3.x starting from 3.0 (when it will be released)
By having multiple OR (||) conditions we are providing information for developers on which versions could be used for upgrades. There are cases when the latest, even stable version of dependency could be incompatible with some other functionality and it makes sense to keep the version older while functionality is in the process of upgrading.
For example, if, for some reason, custom_formatters 3.0 won’t be compatible with any of YMCA Website Services dependencies at the time of release, a developer can select an older beta version in order to proceed with the upgrade.
To select a specific version of a dependency when you do an upgrade of YMCA Website Services, add a dependency and its version alongside YMCA Website Services at the composer require... step.
You can change any of the dependency versions without upgrading YMCA Website Services by running only the composer require... command for specific dependencies and Drupal Update DB routines afterward.
Write steps for review. In this way maintainers can go through steps on build to verify your fix/feature.
Ensure steps for review added to file in a module’s/project’s directory if it makes sense to check them on regular basis. Often this is needed for crucial parts of the system which is main business functionality of the component. Example of super simple steps for review
see in Quickstart section of location_finder module, please.
Create Drupal tour module, based on steps for review and ship it with the module which provides a functionality.
Wait for a CI build and ask maintainers for review.
Important: make sure your git email is associated with account on, otherwise you won’t get commits there. credits
If you would like to get credits for your contribution:
Configuration setting at /admin/config/development/daxko
Account configuration must be setup before the Program Registration paragraph will work.
GroupEx Pro
There are three methods of integrating GroupEx Pro with your YMCA Website Services site. In order from most to least complex/customizable:
API integration
Embedded schedules
Responsive schedule link
GroupEx PRO APIs
Deprecation Notice
On February 28, 2023, Daxko is planning to sunset the GroupEx PRO Public API in favor of their Daxko Group API v1.
YMCA Digital Services with the help of YMCA of the North have developed and adopted a Syncer for Repeat Application which helps to migrate from the GroupEx PRO Public API to the Daxko Group API v1 and pulls data from GroupEx PRO to Program Event Framework.
Embed code for GroupEx Pro schedules can be found in your GroupEx Pro admin interface.
Look for the “New embed” toggle.
Expand the options and choose any filters or colors that you prefer.
Disable the “Fixed Header” option.
Copy the resulting code, that will look something like this, substituting 000 for your own account number, and adding any location or category filters as needed:
If the pasted code does not appear on the page, ensure your site is updated with
this change to enable direct copy/pasting of embed codes.
While the incoming code is controlled by Daxko/GroupEx Pro, many changes can be made with CSS. Try the
CSS Editor module (≥2.0.1) which is bundled with the distribution, or work with your development partner to make customizations.
Responsive schedule link
GroupEx Pro also provides direct links to the schedule page. These can be found in the “New Embed” section. Simply copy the link and add it to any link field or button on your site.
12 - Decoupled (external) projects
Inventory of external modules available via Composer
ynorth-projects/openy_prgf_session_table - if you need to present couple of Sessions in a table view without using any complex app like Schedules or Activity Finder
GitHub should be used when there is no strategy to make a component or project available for the wider Drupal community - that is, when it is tied to YMCA business and unlikely to be leveraged by somebody else. should be used when the component could be useful to projects outside of YMCA Website Services.
for creating a new decoupled component
Create a new GitHub/ repository.
Work on getting an initial release with at least beta version stability.
Create a composer.json file for the component in order to be able to start using it via composer. See
Virtual Y for an example.
Make it available for the public via or as a release. Ensure podarok is added as a co-maintainer to the respective system.
Ask for review and release, according to the
release plan.
for decoupling an existing component of YMCA Website Services
Follow the steps above, but:
After creating the repo, filter the selected component by running git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter ... from the latest development branch of the YMCA Website Services profile. This keeps credits of work done for this component as a part of the
Code of Conduct.
After separating the code, ensure the ejected code is not duplicated in the YMCA Website Services profile. Remove duplicated code in the same Pull Request in which you add the new dependency.
How to update module on
Git filter-branch to get a history of changes.
Change git origin to project.
Create a new branch and push the code to
Create and push tag to Create a release on
Update composer.json in this distribution with a new tag.
In order to generate composer.json, defines specific rules in the modules info.yml file
If you need to add a dependency to the module you should provide a format:
dependencies:- drupal:webform
In this case, your module will have composer dependency to
If you make it:
dependencies:- whatevernameyouwish:webform
the packaging routine will replace it with drupal:webform on the fly.
In order to break the dependency on composer level but still tell Drupal core to have module dependency while resolving dependencies during the process of enabling the module, you should use the simplified format:
dependencies:- webform
In the above case, composer won’t have any dependencies, but your module will require that the webform module be available in the codebase in order to be enabled by Drupal core.
15 - Deprecating and removing components
Occasionally old code is deprecated from the YMCA Website Services codebase. In order to minimize disruption to existing sites, we use the following process:
Decide - Before removing components from the distribution we gather feedback from the community to protect active projects from having components accidentally removed. This is accomplished via messaging in the YMCA Website Services Slack and discussion on Monthly calls.
Deprecate - Once a decision is made, we notify users that the feature will be removed soon. The deprecated component is moved from the YMCA Website Services package group to the YMCA Website Services (Deprecated) package group. For example:
Deprecate Daxko Program Registration Paragraph. Deprecation notices are posted in point and quarterly releases of YMCA Website Services.
Uninstall - Before removing code, components should be uninstalled via an update hook in the distribution and any hard dependencies should be removed. Uninstalls must occur at least one point (fix) release after the deprecation notice.
Remove - Complete removal of the component from the codebase or composer.json should happen at least one quarterly (feature) release after the deprecation notice.
Additionally, the following housekeeping steps should be taken when deprecating a component:
The release where the deprecated component has been uninstalled should be added to the
important versions document in the Wiki.
Code should be decoupled to external GitHub repositories with all history of commits, marked as openy-decoupled, and archived.
UX/CX for deprecated components
In order to deliver a high-quality upgrade path and keep the distribution on the bleeding edge of technologies we occasionally replace old and aged components with new ones for a better User eXperience and Content eXperience.
In order to achieve deprecations we have a policy that aims to provide a comfortable migration path for all components of the distribution.
When we create a component that will replace an old one we must introduce a period of overlap, when both components are available in the system for some time (6-18 months usually). This allows users to have time and resources to migrate from the old to the new one before it is removed from the distribution. See the
Activity Finder v3 to v4 migration.
Deprecated components are moved to the deprecated modules group in the list of modules at Admin > Extend. Also, we add
lifecycle and lifecycle_link to the documentation in every deprecated module in order to provide enough information for the community. See
All titles of deprecated components in the Content Editing interface should be renamed to add the suffix (deprecated) to help Content Managers on a daily basis to not chose an old component and use a new one.
For the majority of content components an automated migration path is expensive and sometimes even impossible, so we have a “lazy migration” practice in our community which puts the responsibility of migration on Content Managers and Strategists. Once new components are available in the distribution all editors should start using them and rebuild old pages by replacing old components with new ones. After the communicated timeframe (6-18 months) old components are removed from the distribution, but if an association needs it the component will be available as an independent—but unsupported—project. It can be supported by a 3rd-party agency or developer as long as it is needed.
After the communicated timeframe (6-18 months) the Core team will remove the component from the distribution and keep it in an independent project for archival reasons. Usually, the project is marked as archived/obsolete in order to clarify that it is not supported and is possibly insecure.
If the normal timeframe (6-18 months) is not achievable due to unforeseeable circumstances, the Core team will add proper notifications and tutorials for the community to help migrate in a comfortable way in a shorter period of time. See the
GroupEx Pro API deprecation notice.
16 - Development FAQ
YMCA Website Services Developer FAQ
Local Development
Getting started with a local environment
To start developing you need to obtain the latest YMCA Website Services codebase. See the
openy-project repository for the full process.
This video tutorial will walk you through how to initiate a local development environment.
The YMCA Website Services team has pre-built environments and walkthroughs using either
Vagrant and VirtualBox or
Docker and Docksal. Choose the method that you’re most comfortable with and get started!
Gathering information about your local environment
To best troubleshoot issues, it’s helpful for the YMCA Website Services team to have as much information about your environment as possible. Before you ask for help, watch this tutorial on
how to gather that information.
We have a best practice to get at least 2 independent reviews before merging code. Please request a review from the YMCA Website Services Lead Technical Architect (Andrii Podanenko, @podarok) and somebody else (from your team or another YMCA Website Services partner).
Who is responsible for merging?
The YMCA Website Services Lead Technical Architect (Andrii Podanenko, @podarok) is responsible for final approval, merging, and release management on the YMCA Website Services project.
What labels in PRs should I use?
What milestone should I specify?
Why I can’t add labels or specify milestones?
All of these require you to be granted Contributor access to the YMCA Website Services GitHub repository. Contact the YMCA Website Services Lead Technical Architect (Andrii Podanenko, @podarok) to get access. Labels are usually set by the YMCA Website Services Core Team.
Why are the steps for review in Pull Requests so important?
When you send your code for review our team must know both how to review the code and what to test to verify the functionality. You are the only source of truth for how to check functionality. Adding steps for review will help the reviewer and QA team to verify that the issue is resolved.
Why should I add a reference to the GitHub issue in my PR description?
As we are a community-led project, there may be a long time between creating an issue and resolving it in a Pull Request. The reviewer should be able to understand the context and possible discussion around the issue to be resolved with your PR. The more context we have, the better and faster we can review the request.
In what format should I add commits, should I add internal Jira task ID or GitHub issue?
It is important to make commit messages with some sort of sense for the human to read them when digging back in history. Adding any task identifications from the project management system is allowed.
What is the “DeepCode” bot?
DeepCode bot is the automated, machine learning code review system that analyses huge amounts of GitHub repositories and is sometimes useful to find common issues before humans do reviews. It is helpful, but not always necessary to fix issues found by the DeepCode bot because sometimes it fails. If you see a comment be sure to read the report. If the report makes sense, then fix the issue suggested by the bot.
Build Automation & CI
What CI processes does YMCA Website Services have in place?
To get a fully working YMCA Website Services site for the code change you are about to push for review there is a build generating system installed for the YMCA Website Services GitHub repository that automatically generates a dedicated temporary website with your changes applied.
Why are some builds created automatically and some not?
By default, builds are configured for trusted users, so if you are getting a message from the bot like
“Can one of the admins verify this patch? Use “o+k to test” or ‘’t+est this please” for manual build execution."
then your username is not in the allowlist and somebody from the YMCA Website Services Core Team can comment to initiate a build for you. Contact @podarok to get your build generated or your name added to the allowlist.
How do I create a build for my PR?
If you are on the allowlist then simply create a Pull Request from your fork to the YMCA Website Services repository. After up to 30 minutes you’ll receive comments with links to the generated site builds.
When are builds deleted from the server?
Usually, you have a day for the build to be wiped out from the server. If there is an upcoming deadline and many PRs are coming in, the lifetime could be significantly shorter, down to a couple of hours.
Who should I contact to get logs from the build server?
Andrii Podanenko @podarok or Dima Danylevskyi @danylevskyi
What should I do if tests fail?
If you have any concerns with reports generated by the code checkers that are used in YMCA Website Services ask YMCA Website Services Lead Technical Architect Andrii Podanenko to get them resolved. The majority of these systems are works-in-progress and it is helpful to have feedback on them.
How do I install YMCA Website Services on Pantheon hosting
Occasionally, configuration will get removed or otherwise go missing in the upgrade process. For instance, the list of colors could go missing in the Layout Builder styles pane.
Usually, these changes are resolved by update hooks that import new config, but on occasion, these too can fail or break. In that case, we have a few options for resolving the issue:
Re-run the most recent related update hook.
Import the config with drush.
Import the config with the Drupal UI.
The first step in any of this troubleshooting is to try to find the offending config. In this case, searching your codebase for “text-color” might lead you to
this config file in y_lb. Now, we can try a few things…
NOTE: These methods could damage your site if not tested. Please take a backup before proceeding.
Re-run an update hook
Often, searching an adjacent .install file can get you an existing
update hook to import the missing configuration. In our example case,
y_lb_update_9001 imports the one settings file that we’re looking for. It doesn’t matter that the hook is old, if we re-run it, it will import the file in its current state in our file system.
y_lb_update_9001(); runs the individual function from the file.
Import config with drush
Suppose the target config exists mostly on its own, or you wish to import the entire config of a module (due to a failed install, for instance). In that case, you can use
drush config:import with --partial and --source pointing to a module directory, relative to the Drupal root. In this case:
Be aware that all configs in that directory will be imported. Targeting a single config file with drush is impossible, although you could also temporarily move the config to its own directory.
Import config with the UI
Another way to import a single configuration file is with the Drupal “Config Synchronization” admin pages. To import a single item:
Go to Admin > Configuration > Development > Config Synchronization > Import > Single item (admin/config/development/configuration/single/import).
Choose the Configuration type (if you are unsure, choose “Simple Configuration”)
Paste in the configuration from the file and click Import.
17 - Drupal 10 update
The update from Drupal 9 to 10 is easier than some, but still comes with some challenges.
The distribution core team has gone through these steps to ensure as smooth of a transition as possible. If your site is up-to-date and using no additional dependencies you may be able to skip right to the update, but otherwise you’ll want to review these steps.
Step through the distribution’s
important versions until you reach You should be running the latest Drupal 9.5.x before you begin the upgrade to 10.
If any custom/contrib modules are used, CKE5 should likely be done AFTER your D10 upgrade
Contrib checks will NOT be found in the next step, be sure to check these manually
Dependency cleanup
Modules not installed, but in composer.json should be cleaned up to prevent unwanted dependency issues in trying to update.
Admin theme
If your website uses a
deprecated admin theme, you should migrate to the Claro theme and test the admin experience. If necessary you can keep the deprecated theme as a contrib package but that is not recommended and won’t be supported by the distribution.
Upgrade Report
Install Upgrade Status
fin composer show drupal/core | grep versions
fin composer require --dev drupal/core-dev:[copy version above] --update-with-all-dependencies
Search for hook_field_widget_form_alter, hook_field_widget_multivalue_form_alter, hook_field_widget_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter and hook_field_widget_multivalue_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter. These hooks have been deprecated in Drupal 9.2 and not available anymore in Drupal 10.
Streamline field widget hooks
Review patches in composer.json. Review any that are no longer applying or may be duplicated by the distribution.
Carefully review and re-roll custom patches.
At this point you should be ready to update to the latest version of the distribution:
Edit the ycloudyusa version in your project root composer.json: "ycloudyusa/yusaopeny":"^10.3",
Run composer update
If errors occur, review the conflicts, check out the
known issues, and attempt to resolve them.
Re-run the previous steps until they complete successfully
Run drush updb, review the updates, and run them.
Smoke tests
We recommend reviewing critical functionality after the update to ensure any custom functionality still works.
Composer issues
Composer can be … tricky. To resolve composer conflicts:
If specific modules conflict, try requiring them directly to get more information about the conflict.
> [error] Configuration core.entity_view_display.node.lb_event.featured depends on the core.entity_view_mode.node.featured configuration that will not exist after import.
you may be able to resolve it yourself.
Breaking down the error message:
core.entity_view_mode.node.featured is missing, which is blocking
y_lb_update_9011 from installing core.entity_view_display.node.lb_event.featured
We need to figure out where core.entity_view_mode.node.featuredshould be coming from, so we can search our code for that.
Use the “Find in files” command in your IDE to search docroot/modules, or
// This goes in mymodule.install as the next update hook.
// Increment the number accordingly.
functionmymodule_update_9000(){$path=\Drupal::service('extension.list.module')->getPath('ws_event').'/config/optional';/** @var \Drupal\config_import\ConfigImporterService $config_importer */$config_importer=\Drupal::service('config_import.importer');$config_importer->setDirectory($path);$config_importer->importConfigs(['core.entity_view_mode.node.featured',]);}
// This also goes in mymodule.install.
Re-run drush updb.
If you run into other missing configs, add them to the list to be imported in update hook and re-run updb.
Consider backporting your customization which led to the challenge of doing this upgrade in order for it to be covered and tested by distribution developers.
18 - Drupal 9 core dependencies version flexibility
This document is archived but may contain useful information for troubleshooting future updates. For updated update steps, visit
How to upgrade YMCA Website Services.
To update your OpenY site with security fix from Drupal core
OpenY team is suggesting 2 options- via patch and via Drupal core upgrade(or OpenY upgrade).
Drupal core upgrade or OpenY upgrade is not always possible, but security issue should be fixed asap.
So consider to apply patch and plan OpenY upgrade later.
For patching your OpenY release, follow steps below:
Login to your production server environment via SSH and find docroot folder of your site codebase. If you installed OpenY by following a tutorial - you should:
if your site is located in /var/www/html
cd /var/www/html
if your site is located in /var/www/openy
cd /var/www/openy
Now you are ready to patch your site. But before patching - make a backup of the file which is about to be patched
In case if result different - stop on this step and let us know you have issue.
In case if all good proceed with a command below, which will patch your site:
patch -p1 < SA-CORE-2018-004.patch
You should see the same output as previously, but now your site is patched.
TIP: In case if you are using git repository for your site run
to store your patched core into your own repository.
How to patch your Digitalocean OpenY install
In case if you have followed tutorial you should have your OPenY installed on you DigitalOcean server(droplet) in a predictable for current document folder. That’s why we prepared a short how to patch your OpenY site in a most simple way if you are not a Tech Guru, but just a user
Log in as an admin user to your site admin UI by visiting /user/login URI page.
Login to your DigitalOcean cloud console at and find Access Console in the dropdown for the droplet you are using for the OpenY
You should see a popup window with a black screen where console asks you for the login. Use root user and a password generated for you upon droplet creation.
After login to a console run the command below, respectively to the version of your Drupal core.
and hit Enter.
You should see OpenY was patched message.
20 - Google Custom Search Configuration
The YMCA Website Services release 8.2.4 introduces Google Custom Search (aka Google Programmable Search Engine) for the website out of the box.
Enabling the module
Fresh installations
The search feature is included in the Extended installation type. For Standard see the Existing websites section.
If you are installing a fresh YMCA Website Services website and going through the installation process via the web interface, on the third-party integration step, you can specify a Google Search ID. If you specify the Google Search ID in this form, your site’s search feature will be up and running.
Existing websites
The search feature is not automatically enabled after upgrading a YMCA Website Services website. You have to manually enable it.
To do that:
Log in as an admin (or a user with the administrator role).
Go to the YMCA Website Services package install page (Admin menu > YMCA Website Services > Extend > Install, or /admin/openy/extend/list)
Find the Search package there, tick the checkbox, and submit the form.
Now, the search modules are enabled, and the website header should have a search field. Upon installation, the modules create a Landing page for search results and point the header search form to the page.
Configuring the Google Search modules
Go to the Google Search settings form (Admin menu > YMCA Website Services > Settings > Google Search settings, or /admin/openy/settings/google-search).
Set the value of the Google Search ID field (see the following section for details) and submit the form.
Obtaining Search Engine ID
Go to, register if you haven’t yet, and log in if you aren’t logged in.
Specify the domain of your website (e.g.
Specify the name of the Search Engine (e.g.
Click “Create”.
On the newly created Search Engine page there is the Search engine ID field. Use this value in the YMCA Website Services Google Search configuration form.
Configuring the Search Engine look and feel
Go to the Look and feel section of the Search Engine
In the Layout tab, select the Full width option and click Save
If this change hasn’t been made, the search results on the website are shown in a popup window.
Dealing with ads
By default, newly created Search engines use the Free Edition (with ads) of the service. As YMCAs are non-profit organizations they have the option to
switch to Non-profit Edition of the CSE, where it is possible to disable ads.
If you are already registered as a Non-profit in Google:
From the
CSE Control Panel, select the search engine you want to change.
Click Overview then Ads
Toggle the Show Ads option to off.
Layout Builder and Google Search
The Google Custom Search Engine can also be used with
Layout Builder:
If you have an existing site, disable the old search page:
Go to /search.
Remove the URL alias by unchecking Generate automatic URL alias in the sidebar then deleting /search.
Uncheck Published and Save to un-publish the page.
Create a new Landing Page (Layout Builder) (node/add/landing_page_lb):
Set the Title to “Search”.
Ensure Generate automatic URL alias is unchecked in the sidebar and set the alias to /search.
If that alias results in an error, you can remove the old one at Admin > Configuration > Search and metadata > URL aliases
Check Published then Save and edit layout.
Add a
Small Banner to the header with a title for the page, like “Search”.
Add the search results code to the page:
In the Body section, Add block and choose Code Block
In Code, add the embed code from the CSE configuration. You may need to add an outer div to fit your page layout, for example:
Change the Google Search config to use your new page:
Go to Admin > YMCA Website Services > Settings > Google Search settings (/admin/openy/settings/google-search) and set the Search page id to the node id of your new page.
You can add multiple domains to the custom search engine if your association maintains multiple websites, for example, if your camps run at different website domains
You can also add not only the whole website but its parts by specifying patterns like*. See
Update sites in your search engine for details.
Refinements let users filter results according to the categories you provide.
Refinements appear in the search results page as tabs. The content of each tab is configured in the Search features > Refinement section of the Custom Search Control panel.
To set up a dedicated tab in search results for Blog posts do the following:
In the Control panel, go to Search features > Refinements
Click Add
Set the name of the refinement to Blog
Select Search only the sites with this label for How to search sites with this label?
Click Ok
Go to Setup
Find Sites to search, click Add
Add the* in the text field
Select Blog in the Label dropdown
Select Include just this specific page or URL pattern I have entered
Click Save
The search results page now shows the Blog tab that only shows blog entries relevant to the search term.
22 - How to contribute large features (back-porting, etc)
These are our best practices for back-porting large features into YMCA Website Services and contributing code for others to use.
The YMCA Website Services core team is excited for you to contribute to the distribution for all to benefit from.
There’s a lot that goes into back-porting your code – details below.
These steps ensure that we are collaborating while continuing to support YMCA Website Services in a sustainable way.
Before getting started, please keep these notes in mind
Back-porting requires a process called decoupling. This is where your developers remove any hard-coded variables or dependencies on any integration from your website code. This makes it so the feature you wish to contribute can work for anyone the broader Y movement. Meaning, as an example , anything that ties into Personify APIs will have to have those hooks replaced with Program Event Framework so that it could function with any CRM source that an YMCA Website Services site might be using.
This decoupled code will then need to be thoroughly tested to ensure it can function when not relying on any fee-based, or non-secure, technology or systems .
Once the decoupling is complete, the YMCA Website Services core team will need to review every line of code that goes before it goes into the distribution . This helps us ensure it won’t break any of the other elements of YMCA Website Services, and that the code is 100% secure. As of 2019 we have 3 templates in YMCA Website Services that work across mobile, desktop and tablet breakpoints . We need to test new features/code across all these templates to make sure nothing breaks across hundreds of possible use-case scenarios ( example : adding a schedule block to a location landing page using the Carnation template when on the mobile breakpoint that is powered by ActiveNet through Program Event Framework…)
Once a feature is in YMCA Website Services, someone must pay to maintain that code . Does this code rely on any other Drupal modules to function? What if there’s an update to that module? That update needs to be tested to ensure it’s compatible with the now contributed code – and if it breaks, we have to write new code to fix it. What if there’s a security patch that involves the contributed code? We would then have to spend time applying the patch, etc.
Is your customization a new feature or a replacement of existing YMCA Website Services functionality/UX? We prefer you have A/B testing data demonstrating that your customization is a clear improvement over the current YMCA Website Services experience. There are many ways to run AB tests so please consult with the YMCA Website Services team on your hypothesis, method, and success criteria to ensure that the results are valid and reliable.
Steps/process for back-porting code into YMCA Website Services
Most problems have at least a generic component and can be approached in part through abstracted development.
We recommend beginning development with an eye toward
these “abstracted” solutions - providing configuration instead of static templates, solving root causes instead of using local patches, using generic language instead of client specific. This will ensure that your features are easily contributed even before you begin this process.
List each customization/feature you want to contribute to YMCA Website Services
It’s plausible that there are portions of your code that it might not make sense to put into the distribution, either because it’s duplicative to what YMCA Website Services already has, or it might be cost prohibitive to decouple it from your site for back-porting.
In the early days of YMCA Website Services, we were less stringent on this step. As long as there was no security or technical risk we accepted any contribution into YMCA Website Services. This led to some problems such as having two nearly identical paragraph types called Blog Post and News Post. These were contributed by two different associations. This caused significant confusion until we resolved the issue with the launch YMCA Website Services 2.0 where we deprecated some of this functionality.
You can start this process by taking an inventory of all your customizations that you feel would be good to backport into the distribution.
The end deliverable of this step is a list of each independent feature you think it makes sense to contribute.
Your Prioritization
Rather than taking a ‘big bang’ approach of decoupling and back-porting all your features into YMCA Website Services, it is a better practice to take a bite-size approach, doing one feature at a time . This is because it can be cost and time intensive and expensive to decouple and backport your code into the distribution if you do it all at once.
As a guide, YMCA Website Services uses the following prioritization method: Demand for feature (1 to 3 with 1 being high), Impact/Benefit to Ys and visitors (1 to 3 with 1 being high), Effort to build/maintain (1 to 5 with 1 being extra low and 5 being extra high). The sum of these gives us a ‘score’ for each feature which helps us prioritize.
This will also help you decide how much, or little, of your back-porting you want to fund as you’ll be able to get a clear feature-by-feature time estimate for the work required.
The end deliverable will be a prioritized list of the features that you want to contribute.
Share your prioritized list with YMCA Website Services, and align roadmaps before spending money and time on decoupling
There might be things the YMCA Website Services core team is already working on that are similar and would be finished before your decoupling would be complete, thus it would not be the best use of your funds to decouple/backport that feature
There may be information the YMCA Website Services team has based on talks with other Ys that influence your demand/impact scores and thus your prioritization
We might have technical knowledge that influences your effort scores as well
This is when timelines will start to emerge on when your code would be available in the distribution.
Your developers and the YMCA Website Services team should align on best practices for code. At a high level, our best practices can be reviewed here:
Development FAQ and
How we release code
When you are ready to begin the decoupling work let us know and we can either talk to you here, on Slack, or even set up a conference call if it would be helpful for you.
You would then start the technical/dev work of decoupling the features you wish to contribute back into YMCA Website Services
You would test all of your decoupled code to ensure that these features work when no longer reliant on any paid or non-secure technology or partners
Deliverable from this step is code that works in a your own dev environment independent of any other Y association specific code/technology
Contributing your code: Pull Requests (PRs)
Code gets submitted to YMCA Website Services for review via a process called a Pull Request
The YMCA Website Services lead technical architect sees the code, runs it through automated test cases, and provides feedback on any issues detected that may cause problems for other portions of YMCA Website Services code
Sometimes the feedback from the YMCA Website Services lead technical architect requires re-work from the original developer making the PR before the code is accepted into the distribution
The features contributed from you get scheduled into one of the YMCA Website Services quarterly releases, and we make sure you get ample credit for your contribution.
The movement then benefits from your contribution!
Ongoing improvements, maintenance, etc.
Over time, you might want to make enhancements to your site due to analytics, or other data inputs from customers and team-members
It would be great if you made those same enhancements to the now-decoupled version of your code that exists in YMCA Website Services if you feel it makes sense
If you identify any bugs or issues over time on your site that involve code that was contributed to YMCA Website Services, it would be awesome if you fixed that code and contributed the fix via a Pull request (step 5 above)
To be clear, all of the above is only required if you want to get your code into the core YMCA Website Services distribution. You could always take your code as is, ensure any PII or secure information is scrubbed, and post it to your own GitHub repository – however it would be difficult for others to use this code as is if it hasn’t at least been decoupled. If you take this approach please be sure to remove references to OpenY from the code so that the GitHub search engine does not confuse it with core YMCA Website Services. Further, please review the YMCA Website Services license agreement to make sure you are in alignment with GPL and Open Source sharing best practices.
23 - How to develop themes in YMCA Website Services
Working with Themes
Each YMCA Website Services theme was developed independently, either by the YMCA Website Services Core Team or by a partner for one specific Y and then contributed back. You can see demos of each theme on the
Each theme has its own dependencies and build processes. Please read the steps in each README for details.
Inventory of themes
As of December 2021, themes
have been decoupled from the YMCA Website Services profile to independent projects on
YMCA Website Services development moves quickly and in this document, we flag important versions that should not be skipped while you upgrade your sites.
Determining your upgrade path
For example: If you are on YMCA Website Services 8.1.2 and want to upgrade to YMCA Website Services you should make it in a couple of steps
Upgrade 8.1.2 to
Upgrade to
Upgrade to
Upgrade …
These supplemental documents elaborate on a few specific cases: - Optional, when you have a lot of customized code and is failing in most places. - This is a very important step everyone should have. After this version, drush entup stops working. In this version, we finally migrated to the core media subsystem, and before going further it is important to upgrade media by upgrading your site to this version first. - This is a very stable Drupal 8 based YMCA Website Services with a bunch of contrib module updates. This is one of the last Drupal 8 based YMCA Website Services versions before the upgrade to Drupal 9 core. Also, in and we started to introduce multiple version constraints in composer.json to allow developers to choose between the minimum or latest dependency versions. This is for securing the upgrade path as well as adding flexibility for version selection if needed. - Drupal 9 version which must be used in the upgrade path before going to This version added 9.0-9.1 Drupal Core and disabled deprecated components. - Removed a bunch of unused modules from distribution. - Last Open Y Drupal core 9.3.* release - Technical release of YMCA Website Services ( no diff with ) - Pre Drupal 10 release, latest Drupal 9 release. Before going into Layout Builder era it is recommended to uninstall geysir, openy_inline_editing, quickedit, rdf modules.
10.2.14 - Drupal 10|9 release, where you may follow the recommendations below:
Upgrade to the latest Drupal 9 core (using
version 10.2.14 of the distribution, released in June 2023).
Upgrade all contrib modules and libraries to their latest Drupal 9-compatible versions (with composer update).
Upgrade to Drupal 10 and run regression testing to search for hard-to-find bugs (update drupal/core-* projects in composer.json, then run compuser update).
Upgrade all contrib modules on the Drupal 10 site to their latest versions (composer update). - Drupal 10|9 release, before New Demo Content and Initial Replacement Paragraphs to Blocks for Native Layout Builder Experience
10.3.1 - Drupal 10|9 release, New Demo Content and Initial Replacement Paragraphs to Blocks for Native Layout Builder Experience. In this release we bumped a lot of dependencies to become up to date
If you are faced with an issue when composer installs an improper version of drupal/core for the chosen version of YMCA Website Services from the list above, please use this trick in order to downgrade:
composer require drupal/core-recommended:9.5.9
Run the above command where your docroot is. Use the current core version instead of 9.5.9.
25 - Install Solr site search
YMCA Website Services leverages
Apache Solr for a few features:
Go to admin/modules and enable the YMCA Website Services Search API module.
Approve the next step for enabling Database Search.
Go to the Search API configuration page admin/config/search/search-api.
Verify that the “OpenY Database Search” server is enabled.
Visit “Search content” index.
TIP: Admins can enable and the Solr search and switch the index between servers.
Index content by clicking “Index now”.
Go to the homepage and search for any keyword.
Verify search results are displayed correctly.
Starting from the YMCA Website Services installer
Find the Select search service step displayed during the YMCA Website Services installation.
Choose from one of these options during installation:
Nothing happens if the user chooses this option, search modules are displayed after installation.
YMCA Website Services Google Custom Search
Google Custom Search configuration form is displayed if the user chooses this option.
The YMCA Website Services Google Search module is enabled after installation and ready to use.
YMCA Website Services Search API
Search API backend options are displayed in this case with the following options:
The YMCA Website Services Search API module is enabled after installation. The database search API server is enabled. The search is ready to use after content indexation.
Additional installation step with Solr configuration form is displayed in this case and user can specify all params for Solr connection. The YMCA Website Services Search API module is enabled after installation, Solr search API server is enabled. The search is ready to use after content indexing (if the correct Solr settings were used).
Switch from database search backend to Solr backend
Watch a
video tutorial on how to switch an existing site from the database backend to a Solr server. This requires a Solr server to be configured in your environment.
Edit the “Solr search” server from the Search API configuration admin/config/search/search-api.
Add the configuration information for your Solr server. Refer to Drupal’s
Search API Solr project for troubleshooting connection information.
Save the server and observe that Search API has successfully connected to your server.
Edit the “Search content” index and change the “Server” field to the newly configured “Solr Search” index.
Visit the “Search content” index and click “Index now” to re-index the content.
Layout Builder and Solr search
Solr search can be used with
Layout Builder, and requires a few extra steps:
If you have an existing site, disable the old search page:
Go to /search.
Remove the URL alias by unchecking Generate automatic URL alias in the sidebar then deleting /search.
Uncheck Published and Save to un-publish the page.
Create a new Landing Page (Layout Builder) (node/add/landing_page_lb):
Set the Title to “Search”.
Ensure Generate automatic URL alias is unchecked in the sidebar and set the alias to /search.
If that alias results in an error, you can remove the old one at Admin > Configuration > Search and metadata > URL aliases
Check Published then Save and edit layout.
Add a
Small Banner to the header with a title for the page, like “Search”.
Add the search results block to the page:
In the Body section, Add block, then expand All system block and choose Content search block from the Paragraph Blocks section.
Optionally, choose to hide the title or change the number of items to display.
Save layout and check your page.
Change the Search API config to use your new page:
Go to Admin > YMCA Website Services > Settings > Search API settings (/admin/openy/settings/search-api) and set the Search page id to the node id of your new page.
Test the search box in the Layout Builder page header to ensure the new configuration works as expected.
Legacy Solr Support
The contrib
Search API Solr module supports a broad swath of Solr versions, but occasionally old versions are dropped from support in the main module. If, when enabling YMCA Website Services Search API, you encounter errors that your version of Solr is out of date, you may need to enable the
Search API Solr Legacy module. As of January 2022, Search API Solr Legacy supports Solr 3.6 through 6.4.
The error message when using an old version of Solr may look something like this:
Notice: Undefined index: 4.x in Drupal\search_api_solr\Controller\SolrConfigSetController->getConfigFiles()
26 - Install SSL certificate
Web Security and YMCA Website Services
As many parties have moved to
Encrypt the Web, https sites and SSL certificates have shifted from “nice to have” to necessities.
If you’re running YMCA Website Services on a managed platform you most likely have SSL already configured. If you choose to manage YMCA Website Services on your own, you’ll have to install a certificate.
Let’s Encrypt is “a free, automated, and open certificate authority (CA), run for the public’s benefit. It is a service provided by the
Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).”
Certbot is “a free, open source software tool for automatically using Let’s Encrypt certificates on manually-administrated websites to enable HTTPS.”
Certbot maintains detailed documentation for installing SSL certificates on a variety of systems. Simply
visit Certbot’s instructions wizard and follow the instructions to configure your server.
Complete YMCA Website Services profile preset and YMCA Website Services Rose theme is used in this case.
You can set which preset must be installed by specifying it with openy_configure_profile.preset variable, and theme with
openy_theme_select.themevariable e.g.:
When deleting an entity, where plugins or services of removing module are used,
then content removal should be done in the hook_uninstall() of that module.
See openy_prgf_camp_menu.install as example.
Creating a new module
When creating a module on, be sure to check the following:
Add all current maintainers.
Edit and add this module template:
<tableclass="views-view-grid"bgcolor="#d4efcc"><tr><td><h2>🇺🇦</h2></td><td>This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers. Please consider <ahref="">supporting Ukraine</a> in a fight for their freedom and the safety of Europe.</td></tr></table><!-- Edit this section with a short intro to the module -->This component/module allows you to ... when using the <ahref="">YMCA Layout Builder</a> package.
<!-- Leave this section as is --><ul><li>Read our <ahref="">instructions for getting started</a>.</li><li><ahref="">Search our documentation</a> for assistance.</li><li><ahref="">Review our Community Resources</a> for more information.</li></ul><h3id="project-requirements">Requirements</h3>This project is meant to be used with the <ahref="">YMCA's Website Service distribution</a>.
29 - one-click install how-to
This walk-through is outdated and is in the process of being updated. Instead, try:
Back on 28 Jan 2020 Open Y decided to add an anonymous analytics module
openy_analytics which was a free opt-in/opt-out solution for the Core team to gather stats from Open Y sites about the frequency of components used.
The idea behind this was to gather data in order to understand the demand for the components in Open Y and use the data to make better decisions.
Recently, the Open Y Core Team decided to sunset this functionality and remove openy_analytics as well as openy_update modules from the Open Y Distribution, as this feature was rarely used. By sunsetting this functionality, we reduced server load from Open Y instances and archive the analytics server.
How to opt-out from analytics subsystem
Visit YMCA Website Services -> Terms and Conditions in your YMCA Website Services site instance and uncheck the Optional Permissions checkbox
After submitting this form your site will stop sending anonymous data.
If the checkbox was not enabled just disregard it, you didn’t opt-in earlier.
This YMCA Website Services Participation Agreement (this “Agreement”) is between YUSA, and participating YMCA member associations in the United States (“Member Associations”). YUSA has received license rights from the National Council of Young Men’s Christian Associations of the United States of America, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation (“YUSA”) to provide the Platform (as defined below) to you.
The purpose of the YMCA Website Services community is to collectively advance YMCA web and online experiences to better serve the YMCA mission. The terms of this Agreement govern your use of YMCA Website Services’s open-source digital content management system, which facilitates the sharing of YUSA brand-compliant website templates, tools, applications, and related digital assets (“Platform”). The community provides a collaborative environment for individuals to positively interact and participate in the Platform. These guidelines address the standards and expectations of those contributing to and participating in the YMCA Website Services community and are meant to help our YMCA community grow and thrive. Your participation in YMCA Website Services means that you agree to the following guidelines and to the YMCA Website Services Terms of Use.
No right is granted by this Agreement to use or license the YUSA brand assets. YMCA brand assets, which include, but are not limited to YMCA trademarks, trade dress, logos and other indicia of origin, are owned and controlled by YUSA. YUSA provides the Platform to you under license from YUSA. Accordingly, neither YUSA nor any Member Association shall, either directly or indirectly, at any time do any act or thing contesting the validity of YUSA’s trademarks or its rights thereto.
Only Member Associations in the United States will have access to use any YUSA brand assets included in YMCA Website Services. All use by Member Associations must be in compliance with YUSA brand standards and guidelines as established by the National Board. YUSA is a third party beneficiary to this Agreement, with the right to enforce each of the terms of this Agreement with respect to YMCA Website Services and you. YMCA Website Services shall send copies of all notices due to you under this Agreement to each of you and YUSA.
Participation: YMCA Website Services will be at its best if each member participates in the community. There are many different ways you can participate, including through using the platform, presentations, forums, summits, emails, calls, etc. We encourage your active participation to the extent you feel you are able and willing. YUSA may publicly disclose your participation in the project.
Contribution: YMCA Website Services encourages Members to contribute to the enhancement, editing, and building of YMCA Website Services. To ensure valuable contributions to the community, YMCA Website Services encourages Members to stay familiar and up-to-date with the YMCA Website Services roadmap, as well as new features in active development. When you make changes that improve YMCA Website Services features, please contribute those back to the community by ensuring they are re-useable and decoupled.
Collaboration: YMCA Website Services encourages Members to collaborate across the YMCA community to share costs and efforts on building new capabilities.
Transparency: Customizations of code provided by YMCA Website Services for your website will likely increase the initial fees, support, and upgrade costs for your website. When modifying or redistributing code, you must include a notice giving credit to YMCA Website Services for the portion of the YMCA Website Services code you use.
Promotion: YMCA Website Services encourages Members to share their expertise and YMCA Website Services experience to expand its reach and accessibility to experienced and new members alike. There will be many opportunities for members to support YMCA Website Services and its marketing and messaging initiatives.
Reporting Problems
If you believe someone has violated the YMCA Website Services Community Guidelines, or have any questions or concerns, please contact YUSA at
32 - Patch YMCA Website Services
Here you can find instructions how you can patch YMCA Website Services distribution used on
your project.
When you need to patch YMCA Website Services
In case you found a bug and prepared a patch for YMCA Website Services on github.
In case you developed a new feature that will be good to have in YMCA Website Services and
created Pull Request to YMCA Website Services repository
In case you want to add a feature that added to YMCA Website Services but not included yet to
YMCA Website Services release.
After adding a patch execute command composer update
Verify you can see added changes in YMCA Website Services
33 - Profile custom configuration
The distribution supplements the Drupal install process with a number of custom additions.
There are plenty of
YAML configuration files at the root of the profile. Some of them are standard Drupal configuration and others are YMCA Website Services specific.
Basic .yml files
The following ones are very common and can be found in many Drupal modules: (
documentation) - defines YMCA Website Services as a profile and defines its name and dependencies
openy.permissions.yml - defines global YMCA Website Services permissions (
documentation) - if you are introducing a service that is needed by all (or the majority of) YMCA Website Services modules add it here and store the service class file in the openy/src directory
YMCA Website Services specific .yml files
There are also a few configurations related to the YMCA Website Services installation process and the YMCA Website Services package system:
YMCA Website Services packages
The YMCA Website Services package system introduces a new level of abstraction, shifting from the Drupal standard module level to packages. Packages represent complete YMCA Website Services features, which could include multiple modules. A package is a declaration of a group of several modules. You can enable and disable a package, which means the whole set of the associated Drupal modules are enabled or disabled.
This approach provides a convenient way of managing YMCA Website Services features.
The YMCA Website Services system module provides a page where the enabled and available packages are listed and can be installed/uninstalled. See the YMCA Website Services Extend page (at /admin/openy/extend).
YMCA Website Services Installation types
When an YMCA Website Services site is installed there is also another abstraction level - the installation type - which groups packages.
The hierarchy is as follows:
installation type
installation type
openy.installation_types.yml defines the high-level presets available during website installation.
Each installation type has a machine name which is a key of the top-level items.
Properties of installation types:
name (required) - a human-friendly name of the installation type
packages (required) - a list of YMCA Website Services packages that are associated with the installation type. The packages are listed when a website is installed via the web-interface
hidden (optional) - if the installation type must be hidden when a website is installed via the web interface
If an YMCA Website Services site is installed using the web interface there is a step where the installation type can be selected.
If an YMCA Website Services site is installed using Drush then the installation type can be specified by an optional argument for the drush site-install command (
Installation with Drush):
Packages are defined in openy.packages.yml. This file is placed in the root of the profile, it’s automatically detected and used by the YMCA Website Services installation process.
File structure
blog:name:'Blog'description:"Blog package provides a set of modules to maintain and create different blog post listings."help:'<p>UsingBlogpackageyoucancreateandmaintainblogpostsandcreateflexiblelistingsofblogposts.Watchavideobelowtolearnmoreaboutbloganatomy.</p><iframewidth="560"height="315"src=""frameborder="0"allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"allowfullscreen></iframe>'modules:-openy_node_blog-openy_prgf_blog_listing-openy_prgf_featured_blogs-openy_prgf_blog_branch-openy_prgf_blog_camp-openy_prgf_blog_latest-openy_txnm_blog_categorycamps:name:'Camps'description:"Camps package provides a set of modules to maintain camps and add them to the location finder page."help:'<p>UsingCampspackageyoucancreateandmaintainCampsandextendlocationfinderpagetoincludethem.</p>'modules:-openy_prgf_camp_menu-openy_loc_camp
Each package has a machine name which is a key of the top-level items.
Properties of packages:
name (required) - a human-friendly name of the package.
description (required) - a short description of the package features to show up on the YMCA Website Services Extend page.
help (required) - an HTML markup for the installation via web interface. It contains a help message that pops up when the package name is clicked on the Select installation type step.
modules (required) - a list of Drupal modules that are associated with the package. When the package is installed/uninstalled the associated modules are installed/uninstalled respectively. When a website is installed via web interface all the available packages are listed there but split into two groups - the ones that are to be installed (associated with the selected package) and all the rest.
The file defines which YMCA Website Services themes are available for installation when a website is being installed.
If an YMCA Website Services site is installed using Drush then the theme can be specified by an optional argument for the drush site-install command (
Installation with Drush):
The YMCA Website Services Core Team will adhere to the same standards we set for the community for all areas of development and technologies as per the YMCA Website Services documentation.
The YMCA Website Services Core Team reserves the right to break these standards only in the following scenarios:
Emergency - a major defect or security risk has been discovered that requires extreme measures to resolve.
When the standards are broken, it is the responsibility of the YMCA Website Services Core Team to explain why the standards needed to be broken, and what the new standards will be moving forward.
This communication will be posted to the YMCA Website Services message board, Slack, and the documentation on GitHub will be updated to reflect the new standards.
Requirements for Pull Requests
Code in Pull Requests should follow our established
best practices
Submitters’ profiles on GitHub or should be up to date and contain at least a name and organization.
Template for the PR
In order to create a good quality Pull Request, we prepared a
PR template which is automatically added to new Pull Requests on GitHub.
List of requirements from the template:
Provide a link to the original issue, which is going to be fixed by the PR you are creating.
All coding styles are fulfilled and there are no issues reported by CodeSniffer. See
Code of Conduct.
Documentation have been updated according to PR changes.
When tagging a new release of YMCA Website Services, the Lead Architect takes the following steps:
YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny-project (usually composer.json or/and oneline script install) and tag a new release there.
Review/Merge all Pull Requests in
YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny that were planned for release.
Change the YMCA Website Services version in
Change the YMCA Website Services version in major modules if there were changes to them (Activity Finder, PEF, etc).
Create Changelog release notes as a draft and include Contributors as well as major issues fixed/introduced.
Spin up a copy of an YMCA Website Services site and check top priority functionality for regressions.
Send for review to Core Team (Craig Paulnock, Paige Kiecker), get approval.
Change the YMCA Website Services version to next with -dev suffix for developers in
Refresh the YMCA Website Services private mirror on the CI server.
Check that the
one-click install is working on a fresh DigitalOcean instance ($10: 1CPU 2Gb RAM). Ensure the version of YMCA Website Services is the proper one in site info (admin/reports/status).
Publish announcement in #developers YMCA Website Services Slack channel.
Publish announcement in #general YMCA Website Services Slack channel.
36 - Release Schedule and Guidelines
YMCA Website Services Release Guidelines
YMCA Website Services releases major releases of the base project
YMCA Website Services and
Virtual Y quarterly. Minor releases and sub-project releases occur as needed.
Major releases (Quarterly)
Major releases are scheduled for the second Tuesday of the second month of each quarter (February, May, August, November). They are numbered 2.x and consist of:
This document is archived but may contain useful information for troubleshooting future updates. For updated update steps, visit
How to upgrade YMCA Website Services.
To update your OpenY site with security fix from Drupal core
OpenY team is suggesting 2 options- via patch and via Drupal core upgrade(or OpenY upgrade).
Drupal core upgrade or OpenY upgrade is not always possible, but security issue should be fixed asap.
So consider to apply patch and plan OpenY upgrade later.
For patching your very old OpenY release it is highly recommended to upgrade OpenY to latest version or at least to one of the 8.1.1-8.1.6 (Drupal core 8.3.x) with Drupal core upgrade to 8.3.9 . In case if it is not possible right now, follow steps below:
Login to your production server environment via SSH and find docroot folder of your site codebase. If you installed OpenY by following a tutorial - you should:
cd /var/www/html
Now you are ready to patch your site. But before patching - make a backup of the file which is about to be patched
In case if result different - stop on this step and let us know you have issue.
In case if all good proceed with a command below, which will patch your site:
patch -p1 < 8.2.x.patch
You should see the same output as previously, but now your site is patched.
TIP: In case if you are using git repository for your site run
For patching your relatively old OpenY release it is highly recommended to upgrade OpenY to latest version or at least to one of the 8.1.7-8.1.10 (Drupal core 8.4.x) with Drupal core upgrade to 8.4.6 . In case if it is not possible right now, follow steps below:
Login to your production server environment via SSH and find docroot folder of your site codebase. If you installed OpenY by following a tutorial - you should:
cd /var/www/html
Now you are ready to patch your site. But before patching - make a backup of the file which is about to be patched
In case if result different - stop on this step and let us know you have issue.
In case if all good proceed with a command below, which will patch your site:
patch -p1 < 8.3.x.patch
You should see the same output as previously, but now your site is patched.
TIP: In case if you are using git repository for your site run
For patching your OpenY release it is highly recommended to upgrade OpenY to latest version (8.1.10 or never) or at least to one of the 8.1.10 (Drupal core 8.4.x) with Drupal core upgrade to 8.4.6 . In case if it is not possible right now, follow steps below:
Login to your production server environment via SSH and find docroot folder of your site codebase. If you installed OpenY by following a tutorial - you should:
cd /var/www/html
Now you are ready to patch your site. But before patching - make a backup of the file which is about to be patched
In case if result different - stop on this step and let us know you have issue.
In case if all good proceed with a command below, which will patch your site:
patch -p1 < 8.4.x.patch
You should see the same output as previously, but now your site is patched.
TIP: In case if you are using git repository for your site run
to store your patched core into your own repository.
How to patch your Digitalocean OpenY install
In case if you have followed tutorial you should have your OPenY installed on you DigitalOcean server(droplet) in a predictable for current document folder. That’s why we prepared a short how to patch your OpenY site in a most simple way if you are not a Tech Guru, but just a user
Log in as an admin user to your site admin UI by visiting /user/login URI page.
Go to /admin/reports/status after login and search for Drupal Version string. It should be something like 8.2.x, 8.3.x or 8.4.x (x - some number too, like 8.4.2, for example). Based on your finding follow the steps below to your version
Login to your ВigitalOcean cloud console at and find Access Console in the dropdown for the droplet you are using for the OpenY
You should see a popup window with a black screen where console asks you for the login. Use root user and a password generated for you upon droplet creation.
After login to a console run the command below, respectively to the version of your Drupal core.
One line script to patch 8.2.x Drupal core for OpenY
and hit Enter.
You should see OpenY was patched message.
38 - Sandboxes
YMCA Website Services Sandboxes for Evaluation and QA
The YMCA Website Services core team manages sandboxes for various configurations of the distribution to facilitate evaluation, to help with QA, and enable investigation of issues.
Getting started
Anyone can browse the sandboxes. Get started at
Get access to the sandboxes
To test the content editor experience or dig into the Drupal configuration you need to request login access by
emailing us or asking anyone on the project team in the Y-USA Slack.
These sandboxes are based on the latest
stable release of YMCA Website Services. They are set to rebuild completely overnight and clear their database and files every 2 hours.
These sandboxes are based on the
latest development version of YMCA Website Services or other branches as necessary. They are set to rebuild daily. Development sandboxes are rebuilt at the needs of the team and are not guaranteed. If one is not working, try another.
These sandboxes are based on the YMCA Website Services stable Standard profile and the
Virtual Experience Platform (aka “Virtual Y”, aka “Open Y Gated Content”) project.
This article only applies to long-term users of YMCA Website Services. YMCA Website Services supports Composer 2
as of version 8.2.7 in November 2020 and new installs use Composer 2 by default.
Composer was upgraded to 2.x on October 30, 2020. This could cause instability when your older composer 1.x accidentally auto-updates to the 2.x version. Issues could include: composer fails to run any commands and blocks OpenY upgrade/maintenance. The instability would be in the developer environment, not YMCA Website Services/Drupal.
The YMCA Website Services team prepared an avoidance plan for the community to take action steps before the release while YMCA Website Services will be verifying Composer 2.x causes no issues or regressions.
If you use Docksal or Vagrant local environments your composer version will not update automatically, so you’re currently safe from inadvertent updates. Instructions for updating those environments will be included with any necessary YMCA Website Services updates at a later date.
Case before October 30, 2020, when you are on composer 1.x
Composer 2 is coming and older versions of composer 1.x show the message below.
Composer 2.0 is about to be released and the older 1.x releases will self-update directly to it once it is released. To avoid surprises update now to the latest 1.x version
If you see the message above, ensure your environments have updated composer to the latest 1.x version by running:
composer selfupdate --1
To ensure the above command shows your version 1.x after an upgrade, check the version of composer:
composer --version
You should see something like
MacBook-Pro-Andrii:www podarok$ composer --version
Composer version 1.10.15 2020-10-13 15:59:09
as an output of the command.
If you do not upgrade to the latest 1.x version before October 30, 2020. i.e. if you accidentally upgrade to Composer 2.x
If your composer updated to version 2 and you have issues with this upgrade, the solution is to downgrade Composer to the latest 1.x version by running:
composer selfupdate --1
If you are faced with any issues connect with the YMCA Website Services team on GitHub (
create issue) and the #developers channel
on Slack.
40 - Server Requirements
If you need to prepare server for the YMCA Website Services instance, here below you should find all needed software to meet its requirements.
List of requirements
Ubuntu LTS (14 or 16) is preferred. CentOS is ok as well. Or even any other Linux distribution, but was not tested by YMCA Website Services team so far.
(Drupal 8 server requirements should be met)[].
PHP 5.6+ (PHP 7 is better in terms of performance)
Open link(e.g. http://IP/core/install.php) from console output and finish YMCA Website Services installation
Video tutorial
End to end installation
43 - technology pipeline
To deliver the best technologies for the YMCA movement, the YMCA Website Services development community maintains the following documents and best practices:
A list of
3rd party dependencies which are reviewed periodically for new features and deprecations.
44 - Terms and Conditions
These Terms & Conditions must be agreed to upon installing YMCA Website Services
These terms are maintained in
the distribution codebase at TermsOfUseForm.php and are subject to change at any time. Any change in the terms will require site owners to agree to the new terms and a record of the date of agreement is maintained in the site database. Terms can be viewed on your site at Admin > YMCA Website Services > Terms and Conditions (/admin/openy/terms-and-conditions).
YMCA of the USA supports the Website Services platform with respect to use by its Member Associations but is not responsible for and does not control the services provided by 3rd party agencies, which are using and modifying YMCA Website Service distribution.
YMCA of the USA recommends that each participating YMCA association develop and implement its own cybersecurity policies and obtain cyber liability and data privacy insurance.
I acknowledge that YMCA Website Service is open source content and that all content is provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind. YMCA of the USA makes no warranty that its services will meet your requirements, be safe, secure, uninterrupted, timely, accurate, or error-free, or that your information will be secure. YMCA of the USA will not maintain and support YMCA Website Service templates indefinitely. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the content is with you.
YMCA of the USA recommends obtaining a reputable agency to assist with the implementation of the YMCA Website Service platform and further development for your specific needs.
All demonstration content, including but not limited to text, images, graphics, videos, audio, and any other materials displayed on this website, is the exclusive property of YMCA of the USA. The demonstration content is provided solely for illustrative purposes and to showcase the capabilities of YMCA’s Website Service. Nonetheless, YMCA member associations may use demonstration content for their websites, as applicable.
By accessing and/or using this website, you agree to respect the ownership and intellectual property rights of YMCA of the USA over the demonstration content. Users and visitors are strictly prohibited from reproducing, distributing, modifying, or otherwise using the demonstration content without explicit written permission from YMCA of the USA.
Any unauthorized use or misuse of the demonstration content is a violation of these Terms and Conditions and may be subject to applicable laws and regulations, result in your access being revoked, and/or legal action taken, if applicable.
YMCA of the USA reserves the right to change, modify, or remove the demonstration content from the website at any time without prior notice. We are not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors in the demonstration content and make no guarantees about its accuracy or completeness.
45 - Testing YMCA Website Services for PHP 7.4 version support
php-cli 7.4 ( memory_limit value should be large ( 2000M ) or unlimiter ( -1 ) in order to not fail
composer 2
Obtain latest development code of YMCA Website Services
$ cd profiles/contrib/openy
$ sh --tags run_selenium
Open installed VNC Viewer and connect to the server with IP
Password = secret
Run tests and you should see everything that is performed by behat tests in VNC client
$ bin/behat
Custom Behat functionality
Create entities in table forms, with key to use in reference and reference entities by key.
KEY is optional, and must be all CAPS.
Given I create "taxonomy_term" of type "color" with key for reference:
| KEY | name | field_color |
| Blue | Blue | 0000FF |
| Red | Red | FF0000 |
Given I create "paragraph" of type "small_banner" with key for reference:
| KEY | field_prgf_headline | field_prgf_color |
| banner1 | Headline 1 | Blue |
| banner2 | Headline 2 | Red |
Media entities
Given I create "media" of type "image" with key for reference:
| KEY | name | file |
| gallery_1 | Gallery image 1 | gallery.png |
| gallery_2 | Gallery image 2 | gallery2.png |
| gallery_3 | Gallery image 3 | gallery3.png |
Create nodes in table forms, with key to use in reference and reference entities by key.
KEY is optional, and must be all CAPS.
Basic create
Given I create "landing_page" content:
| KEY | title | field_lp_layout | field_content |
| landing_1 | Test Landing 01 | one_column | banner1 |
| landing_2 | Test Landing 02 | one_column | banner2 |
Vertical field table
Given I create large "landing_page" content:
| KEY | landing_3 | landing_4 |
| title | Test Landing 03 | Test Landing 04 |
| field_lp_layout | one_column | one_column |
| field_content | banner1 | banner2 |
Create & view immediately
Given I view a "landing_page" content:
| KEY | landing_5 |
| title | Test Landing 05 |
| field_lp_layout | one_column |
| field_content | banner1 |
Multiple referenced entities by key on a field.
Given I create "landing_page" content:
| KEY | title | field_lp_layout | field_content |
| landing_6 | Test Landing 06 | one_column | banner1, banner2 |
Example Address and Latitude + Longitude
Fields with sub field/columns:
The machine name and columns can be found in the form markup in the field name property.
The first portion, field_location_address represents the Drupal field machine name, while the second array key address_line1 represents the column.
Add Address
Given I view a "branch" content:
| title | Branch Example |
| field_location_address:country_code | US |
| :address_line1 | Main road 10 |
| :locality | Seattle |
| :administrative_area | WA |
| :postal_code | 98101 |
Add Latitude and Longitude
Given I view a "branch" content:
| title | Branch Example 2 |
| field_location_coordinates:lat | 47.293433 |
| :lng | -122.238717 |
| field_location_phone | +1234567890 |
47 - Theming and Design
Welcome to YMCA Website Services Theming and Design documentation.
How to change styles on content type level
As an YMCA Website Services site developer, I want to be able to easily change the CSS for a Camp page
independently from a Location page, so I can better customize the site to meet the needs of my customers.
How to:
If you need to change CSS on some pages independently, you should enable Custom CSS functionality on
the theme configuration page - Custom CSS - check “Enable or disable custom CSS”.
Input CSS code into the textarea.
In order to change CSS on each particular page you should use the following selectors:
This document is archived but may contain useful information for troubleshooting future updates. For updated update steps, visit
How to upgrade YMCA Website Services.
These are instructions for upgrading a very old version of YMCA Website Services to the latest version.
Given the fact
Drupal 8.7+ has no support for automatic entity updates ( BaseFieldDefinitions ) we have to upgrade to of OpenY, which is still on 8.6 Drupal Core, and then update to the latest YMCA Website Services version as usual.
vagrant@vagrant:/var/www/docroot$ uname -a
Linux vagrant 4.15.0-29-generic #31-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 17 15:39:52 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linuxvagrant@vagrant:/var/www/docroot$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
Release: 18.04
Codename: bionic
vagrant@vagrant:/var/www/docroot$ php -v
**PHP 7.1.31-1** (cli)(built: Aug 72019 10:23:12)( NTS )Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies
with Xdebug v2.7.2, Copyright (c) 2002-2019, by Derick Rethans
vagrant@vagrant:/var/www/docroot$ drush --version
**Drush Version : 8.2.3**
vagrant@vagrant:/var/www/docroot$ composer --version
**Composer version 1.7.2** 2018-08-16 16:57:12
Step by step guide for update
Use PHP7.1 for upgrade and install php7.1-mysql php7.1-mcrypt php7.1-cli php7.1-common php7.1-curl php7.1-dev php7.1-fpm php7.1-gd php7.1-mysql php7.1-memcached php7.1-imagic php7.1-xml php7.1-xdebug php7.1-mbstring php7.1-soap php7.1-zip php7.1-xml
Go to the folder of OpenY code tree where docroot folder is contained
drush en openy_upgrade_tool openy_er openy_prgf_loc_finder openy_map openy_data_wrapper openy_loc_branch content_moderation focal_point
drush ev "Drupal::service('module_installer')->install(['openy']);" <- This steps fixes some hidden bug when openy profile removed from core.extension configuration for unknown reason.
Manual step (optional, if you have issues with drush updatedb): Edit all yml files in profiles folder to comment media.type.image , field.field.node.program.field_header_content, field.field.node.branch.field_location_amenities in dependencies sections.
run drush updatedb -y <- this will fail for the first time ( Media not installed yet ), disregard
run drush updatedb -y <- this should run properly.
run drush entup
50 - Upgrade path
All changes in configurations should be added to appropriate hook_update_N in order to update already existing environments. We suggest to use for working with hook_update_N.
openy.install in profile
In this file we should put updates that are related to the distribution in general and don’t fit into any feature.
Enable/Disable module
General configs
openy_*.install in modules
In case if you update some configuration for specific feature, make sure that you put updates into appropriate module.
This document is archived but may contain useful information for troubleshooting future updates. For updated update steps, visit
How to upgrade YMCA Website Services.
Upgrade to old, Open Y 1.x version ( tested on upgrading 8.0.2 to )
You have to create local copy of your site locally to be able to proceed with the upgrade.
For that
Make a backup of your production database and copy it to your local machine
Make a copy of your production site codebase and copy it to your local machine
Detect version of your OpenY
Starting from OpenY 1.10 release you should see a version of OpenY in your site reports dashboard.
For previous versions the best way to check your version is to analyze creation date of index.php pr README.txt file in the docroot folder of your site and compare it to the release date from . Your OpenY version should be the one which is older than creation date of the files.
Run command with next never version
In a same folder where is your docroot folder run
mv composer.json composer.json.bak ||truewget
cd docroot/profiles/contrib/openy/
rm -f yparse*
drush cr
sh | xargs drush en -y
cd ../../../../
composer require YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny:NEW_VERSION_HERE --no-update
composer update --prefer-dist --with-dependencies --prefer-stable --update-with-all-dependencies --no-suggest
Update the site
Go to docroot folder of your codebase and run
drush updatedb
drush entup
Sometimes, when updatedb fails, it is important to get stable version of some modules we found causing problems
Ensure commands above finished with no error messages. Best way to check it - run them one more time. If next run shows
$ drush updatedb
No database updates required [success]$ drush entup
No entity schema updates required [success]
You almost 100% proved updated were executed correctly.
Check for regressions
Backup current state of the updated site
Proceed with an update to next version until succeeded (Start from item 1)
52 - Upgrade use case from to
This document is archived but may contain useful information for troubleshooting future updates. For updated update steps, visit
How to upgrade YMCA Website Services.
Your own YMCA Website Services instance should have a virtual machine injected into your site codebase. Just find Vagrantfile and proceed with vagrant upaccordingly to the documentation.
Obtain local copy of your production site
You have to create a local copy of your site locally to be able to proceed with the upgrade.
For that:
Make a backup of your production database and copy it to your local machine
Make a copy of your production site codebase and copy it to your local machine
Ensure you have not manually removed Drupal modules in your database without the uninstallation step being executed! In this case you’ll need to return the module back to the codebase and uninstall it via Drupal Extend UI or Drush before running the next steps to upgrade YMCA Website Services.
The script above replaces your composer.json file, so it’s only applicable to websites that have the file unmodified.
If your composer.json file is modified, merge the changes manually. Essentially, the repositories section of the file is updated.
Update the site
Go to the docroot folder of your codebase and run:
drush updatedb
If updatedb fails…
you can use Drupal’s hook_update_dependencies API to change the order of running updates to eliminate issues.
See this example.
Ensure commands above have finished with no error messages. The best way to check it is to run them one more time. If the next run shows:
$ drush updatedb
No database updates required [success]
You have almost 100% proven updates were executed correctly.
If loading the site fails…
you may receive an error like this:
Error: Class … not found in …
This happens due to Drupal not finding the renamed modules. To resolve this, manually clear the Drupal caches:
drush ev "drupal_flush_all_caches();"
drush cr
which should clear up the errors.
Visit OpenY upgrade tool dashboard
Review and revert or apply an updated version of the configs after the upgrade.
Check for regressions
In order to check for regressions during the upgrade, it is best to work with smoke tests. YMCA Website Services maintains the
smoke tests database document you should use for the process.
Backup current state of the updated site
drush sql-dump or another backup tool to take a backup of the site in its current state.
Proceed with an update to next version until succeeded (Start from item 1)
54 - Videos
Video Tutorials
The YMCA Website Services team maintains a
YouTube channel with video tutorials for developers, content editors, evaluators, and more. Visit YouTube for the full list of content.
Once Virtual Y installed system creates set of required Landing pages with predefined URLs. These pages are:
Virtual Y Landing page - /virtual-ymca
Virtual Y Login Landing page - /virtual-y-login
URLs to pages above then set as configuration values at /admin/openy/virtual-ymca.
Admin user is obligated to keep pages in the system or properly update configuration with new values to keep Virtual Y functionality working correctly.
Protecting Virtual Y Pages
If content editors modify the alias or remove the Virtual Y pages above, the VY site may break. Site administrators may want to add additional protections to the site to prevent editors from making those changes. We recommend
Node Keep for this purpose:
Add node_keep to your repo with `composer require ‘drupal/node_keep’
Enable the module in Drupal
Edit each of the pages above and set the Node Keep options as you wish to protect the pages
Virtual Y Log module
Virtual Y Log module can be configured via configuration files. Available settings:
activity_granularity_interval: Default value 600 - sets the interval in Seconds to track user activity on the site
archiver_store_period: default value 1 year - set the period when activity logs will be collected and placed to same archive. This value should be set to as Relative Date/Time PHP string, e.g. 1 week, 2 months, 1 year, etc.
56 - Website Services Terms of Use
Version 2.1, December 2022
This is a free service provided by YUSA (“we,” “us,” and “our”) for users in the YMCA community (“users,” “you,” and “your”). By using the Website Services distribution repository, you agree to these Terms of Use.
We reserve the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently any services or the Terms of Use at any time, with or without prior notice to users. YUSA is not liable for any damage to any user or other third party that may result from any such modification, suspension or discontinuance of the service or of the Terms of Use.
YUSA is not responsible for the content maintained in the repository. Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through your use of our services is done at your own discretion and risk, and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any such material. You agree that we have no responsibility or liability for the deletion of or the failure to store or to transmit, any content or communication maintained by the service. We retain the right to create limits on use and storage at our sole discretion at any time with or without notice.
We are not responsible for the content, data, or actions of third parties, and you release YUSA, our directors, officers, employees, and agents from any claims and damages, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with any claim you have against any such third parties. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from us or through or from our services creates any warranty not expressly stated in these Terms of Use.
All code downloaded from Website Services distribution is based on the Drupal® code base, which is subject to the terms of the Drupal license ( Website Services distribution code is a derivative work of Drupal and any distribution must be under the terms of the
GNU General Public License version 2 or later versions.
Unless otherwise stated, all content (excluding code), including user-generated content, such as comments and discussions on the Website Services distribution web site, is licensed under
Creative Commons License, Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0.
The term “contribution” means any source code, object code, patch, tool, sample, graphic, specification, manual, documentation, comments or any other content posted or submitted by you to Website Services distribution. We welcome proposed contributions, however, all contributions are subject to review and approval, and potential modification, before inclusion in a release as part of Website Services distribution.
It is your responsibility to obtain appropriate licensing and attribution for content that you submit to Website Services distribution. Content without appropriate licensing or attribution will be removed.
You represent and warrant that:
Each contribution that you submit is an original work of authorship and you can legally grant the rights set out in these Terms of Use;
To the best of your knowledge, each contribution will not violate any third party’s copyrights, trademarks, patents, or other intellectual property rights;
Each contribution shall be in compliance with U.S. export control laws and other applicable export and import laws.
You agree to notify us if you become aware of any circumstance which would make any of the foregoing representations inaccurate in any respect.
All code must comply with the reasonable standards issued by Website Services distribution, including architecture and security protocols. All code submitted to the repository that is a derivative work must be
GPLv2+ compatible and will automatically be redistributed as GPLv2+.
YUSA in its sole discretion will review, modify and determine whether to include code in its next release. We can refuse or remove any contributions at our discretion and without prior notice.
All content is provided “as is,” without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement; (ii) YUSA makes no other warranty that its services will meet your requirements, be safe, secure, uninterrupted, timely, accurate, or error-free, or that your information will be secure; and (iii) the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the content is with you.
Limit of Liability
In no event will YUSA, its affiliates or their licensors, service providers, employees, agents, officers, or directors be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, including but not limited to loss of revenue, loss of profits, loss of business or anticipated savings, loss of goodwill, and whether caused by tort (including negligence), breach of contract or otherwise, even if foreseeable. The foregoing does not affect any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.
Copyright DMCA Notice
If a user or other third party believes that its content has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, that user or third party should provide YUSA with the following information: (a) an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright
interest; (b) a description of the copyrighted work that has been infringed; (c) a description of where the allegedly infringing material is located; (d) the affected user or third party’s address, telephone number and email address; (e) a statement by the affected user or third party that he or she has a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or the law; and (f) a statement by the affected user or third party, under penalty of perjury, that the above information is accurate and that such user or third party is the copyright owner or is otherwise authorized to act on the copyright owner’s behalf. Please report any alleged copyright infringements to
Venue and Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Minnesota, without reference to conflicts of laws principles. The parties agree that the federal and state courts in the county of Hennepin, Minnesota will have exclusive jurisdiction and venue under this Agreement, and each party hereby agrees to submit to such jurisdiction exclusively.