Membership content type is used for adding membership on the site.
Name | Machine name | Required | Description |
Title | drupal’s default | Yes | Title of the membership item. |
Description | field_mbrshp_description | Yes | Textarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary. |
Image | field_mbrshp_image | Yes | Media field to upload the image. |
Membership info | field_mbrshp_info | Paragraph | Paragraph to indicate the location where the membership is available and the URL. |
Location | field_mbrshp_location | No | Select list with locations (branches). Single value. |
Link | field_mbrshp_link | No | Link field to provide the membership redirect URL. |
Join Fee | field_mbrshp_join_fee | No | Dollar value for how much someone has to pay to join. |
Monthly Rate | field_mbrshp_monthly_rate | No | Dollar value for the monthly fee of the membership. |
URL pattern
Content type is using following pattern:
Last modified May 10, 2022: bug: fix directory names to not confuse case sensitive filesystems (21456918)